The opportunity for you to explore your program in an exclusive one on one environment. We work through your individual program which is based on your individual goals, movement and injury history and the results of your movement assessment.
Sharing the session with another member, you will be coached through your own individual program based on your individual goals, movement and injury history and the results of your movement assessment. If you like a social component when training but still want to focus on goals specific to you, then this is the format for you.
Sharing this session with other like minded members, you will all be working off the same well designed program. Exercises are modified based on your ability, injury history and how you feel on the day. If you like a community feel and feeding off group energy, then this is for you.
A free first movement assessment is included, from here I deliver your program in the environment of your choosing. A good Wi-Fi connection and either Skype or FaceTime is required. The equipment and environment is entirely up to you and your program will reflect this.
For those who like to work at their own pace or in their own space. Your individual program is tailored to your environment, goals, movement and injury history. I take you though your program, answer all your questions and make sure you know all the movements. Then you have the freedom to work through this when and where you like.
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